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Develop partnerships with your supply chain to encourage change and use your influence to maximise impact.

You will want to work with peer companies in your sector who share your vision. Working with competitors to identify sector challenges and collaberate on solutions and initiatives for which you can all your benefit.

Your supply chain companies value your business and can be encouraged to share in your vision and standards. By collaberating and sharing ideas your impact can be increased significantly.

We will research your sector and supply chain to map out and identify the  opportunties. We will benchmark you against your sector and main competitiors. We will help you choose the right collaberation partners and approach them to facilitate the strategy and opportunities.

We will meet with your supply chain and share your vision and encourage their collaberation. We will set goals in the services they supply and track and monitor these over agreed timescales.

Collaberation can dramatically increase your positive impact. 

Get in Touch
Beach Cleanup Volunteers
Collaberate to maximise impact: Service
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